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Teen Autistic/ADHD Burnout Guide



Autistic Burnout is not a diagnosable condition as far as the medical community is concerned but as many of you are brutally aware, it is a very real thing for many. I am not an “expert”, but I am a mum and a coach who has seen this a lot both on a day to day basis and in my clients and would like to share my learnings with you all.

I don’t mean for this to be used as a diagnostic tool, but as possibly some extra tools and understanding to add to things that you already know about your teen, because I know that we want to know the best way to support them, we want to understand them and we want to encourage them to understand themselves so that they can forge on at some point and live their best lives without us (fingers crossed).Teen Autistic Burnout Guide

SKU: 1000 TAG: Ebook

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